Wholesale Policies
Thank you for your interest in joining
Kaelyn & Co. wholesale!
If you are interested in carrying products from Kaelyn & Co., we encourage you to fill out our wholesale form. We will review your request within 1-2 business days and grant you access to our store. In the meantime, you can browse through our website to see what candle scents are more appealing to you and perfect fit for your store, boutique or spa. Don't forget to go over our candle care/burning instructions.
Current processing time before your order ships is 10 business days
Returns & Replacements: We do not accept returns. However, we will refund or replace a broken item. Please email us at info@kaelynandco.com for your replacement no later than 7 days of delivery. Please be advised that photos of the damaged items will be requested for a refund or replacement.